Canadian Success Story: Thriving After Safe Third Country Agreement Immigration

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Canadian Success Story: Thriving After Safe Third Country Agreement Immigration

At LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we are committed to providing successful outcomes for our client’s immigration needs. One such success story involves a client who was navigating the complexities of the Safe Third Country Agreement Immigration in Canada. Our able team of lawyers stepped in and provided the necessary advice and guidance, enabling our client to blossom in their new home.

Understanding the Safe Third Country Agreement

  • The Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the United States stipulates that refugees must make their asylum claim in the first safe country they reach unless they qualify for an exception to the Agreement.
  • As per this agreement, Canada and the United States consider each other as safe countries for refugees.
  • The agreement is based on the principle, set out in the Refugee Convention that individuals should seek asylum at the earliest possible opportunity.

Our Client’s Challenge

Our client was facing a major challenge under this agreement. They had transited through the United States before reaching Canada, creating legal complications about where their asylum claim should be processed.

Our Legal Strategy

At LexLords, we formulated a comprehensive legal strategy for our client’s case. Our approach included but was not limited to:

  1. Analyzing the specifics of our client’s situation as well as their eligibility for exceptions under the Safe Third Country Agreement.
  2. Determining which Canadian immigration laws and international laws could potentially apply to our client’s case.
  3. Exploring precedents set by previous court decisions involving similar circumstances.
    1. Consideration of the case law Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v. Hassan, where the court found that the Safe Third Country Agreement does not apply to those who enter Canada irregularly.
    2. Examination of the landmark case of Canadian Council for Refugees v. Canada, which highlighted the need for assessing the safety of the country in question for the particular refugee.

Our Client’s Success

With our detailed analysis and strong legal strategy, we were able to achieve a favorable outcome for our client. We secured the right to have their asylum claim processed in Canada by demonstrating their eligibility for an exception under the Safe Third Country Agreement.


LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers are proud of the legal victory we achieved for our client. We continue to strive for excellence, guided by our commitment to honesty, integrity, and client dedication. If you are facing immigration issues and need legal assistance, reach out to us today.

Thriving Through the Nunavut Nominee Program: A Canadian Immigration Success Story

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Thriving Through the Nunavut Nominee Program: A Canadian Immigration Success Story

Immigration is seen as an opportunity to change lives for many, but the process can be arduous and the legal intricacies daunting. At LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we pride ourselves on our expertise and assistance we provide to our clients. One such case that stands testimony to our commitment is helping a client successfully immigrate through the Nunavut Nominee Program.

Understanding the Complexity

The Nunavut Nominee Program aids businesses and employers in Nunavut to sponsor foreign nationals for Canadian permanent residence. However, navigating through its legal implications requires a detailed understanding of the Canadian Immigration Law and its related statutes. Cited below are the core laws that guided us in this particular case:

  • The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA)
  • The Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR).

Cutting Through the Legal Jargon

Case Studies have always been a vital tool in interpreting various aspects of law pertaining to immigration. In our client’s situation, two specific cases played a significant role in understanding the nuances and presenting a robust case:

  1. The Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling in Hilewitz v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), which reaffirmed the rights of immigrants.
  2. The landmark decision of IRB in Y.Z. v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), which provided clarity on the interpretation of certain critical provisions of the IRPA.

The Path to Resolution

In dealing with our client’s case, we adopted an approach that was in line with both the legal provisions and the guidelines set out by the Nunavut Nominee Program. Our step-by-step process was as follows:

  1. Understanding the Client’s Situation: We thoroughly evaluated the client’s current situation, his/her eligibility under the Nominee Program, and the specific requirements that needed to be met.
  2. Preparing the Application: Post the initial evaluation, we prepared a convincing application emphasising our client’s potential to contribute positively to Nunavut’s economy and society.
  3. Subsequent Legal Processes: Consequent to the application filing, we helped navigate through various legal proceedings ensuring that every legal compliance was met.
  4. Securing Permanent Citizenship: Our final step involved assisting the client in securing permanent Canadian citizenship through the appropriate legal channels.

Through careful preparation and relentless representation, we were able to help our client thrive through the Nunavut Nominee Program, resulting in a successful immigration to Canada.


An intricate blend of law, policy, and human stories shape each immigration experience. At LexLords, our mission is to infuse each case with our legal expertise and compassionate approach, enabling us to breed success stories that bear witness to our dedication towards our clients.

Success Story: Triumph with New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program in Canadian Immigration Law

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Triumph with New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program: A Success Story in Canadian Immigration Law

At LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we believe in the potential of every case and tirelessly strive for success. This article highlights our journey in resolving a complex legal issue concerning the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) for our client. In doing so, we navigated this case through the labyrinth of Canadian Immigration Law, armed with relevant laws and case laws.

Background of the Case

  • Our client was an individual who had applied to immigrate to Canada under the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP).

  • The client’s application was rejected by the New Brunswick immigration authorities on the grounds of insufficient evidence of ties to the province.

The Legal Strategy

The first step was to delve into the specifics of the NBPNP as outlined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). We thoroughly reviewed the case and devised a strong legal strategy.

  1. Evaluating the Reasons for Rejection:

    • We meticulously studied the reasons given by the immigration authorities for the rejection.
    • After careful consideration, we identified some irregularities, including inconsistency in applying the NBPNP evaluation criteria.

  2. Building a Robust Appeal:

    • We gathered compelling evidence to demonstrate our client’s ties to New Brunswick.
    • We found precedents from Canadian case law where similar grounds for rejection had been challenged successfully. Notably, we referenced the Federal Court’s ruling in Khosa v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), which stated that immigration authorities must apply their criteria consistently and fairly.

  3. Presentation before the Immigration Authorities:

    • We presented this evidence, along with the legal arguments, to the New Brunswick immigration authorities.
    • We emphasized on the principles of fairness and consistency in the application of immigration criteria as established by the Khosa decision.

The Outcome

In response to our robust appeal, the immigration authorities reconsidered their initial decision. They acknowledged the inconsistencies in their evaluation process and agreed that our client met the necessary criteria for the NBPNP. Eventually, our client’s application was accepted, allowing them to immigrate to Canada under the Provincial Nominee Program. This marked a significant victory in administering justice and fairness within Canadian Immigration Law.

This case reinforces our commitment at LexLords to relentlessly fight for our clients’ rights and navigate the intricacies of immigration law ensuring maximum success.

Triumphant Journey: A Client’s Successful Navigation through Canada’s Refugee Protection Division Rules

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A Triumphant Journey: A Client’s Successful Navigation through Canada’s Refugee Protection Division Rules

At LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we are committed to providing comprehensive and strategic legal advice to ensure the success of our clients. We recently had the privilege of assisting a client in navigating one of the most complicated aspects of the Canadian immigration legal system: the Refugee Protection Division Rule. Using our expertise and the relevant legal precedents, we were able to help our client successfully secure refugee status in Canada.

Understanding the Refugee Protection Division Rule

  • Rule 1: This rule enables persons who fear persecution in their home country to apply for refugee status in Canada.
  • Rule 2: The rule stipulates the conditions that must be met for the application to be considered, such as credible evidence of a well-founded fear of persecution.
  • Rule 3: It specifies how applications should be processed and the requisite procedures for conducting hearings.

Our Approach

  1. The Analysis: We analyzed our client’s case meticulously and discovered that their fear of persecution was grounded on reasons recognized by international refugee law.
    • We referred to a landmark case, ‘M.Z. v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)’, where the applicant’s fear of persecution was deemed credible due to specific societal and political conditions in their home country.
  2. Evidence Collection: Next, we focused on gathering concrete evidence to substantiate our client’s claims.
    • We drew inspiration from the case ‘T.M. v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)’, where the judge upheld the applicant’s claim based on a comprehensive collection of supporting documents, corroborations, and personalized testimonies.
  3. Hearing Preparation: We worked closely with our client to prepare robust narratives and responses for the hearing.
    • We focused on ‘C.B. v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)’, where the judge found the testimony to be credible due to the consistency of the applicant’s narratives and their ability to provide plausible explanations for any discrepancies.


We structured our arguments effectively and presented our evidence credibly to secure a favourable ruling for our client. Our client was granted refugee status – a testament to our tireless dedication to our clients’ rights and freedoms.


Navigating through Canada’s Refugee Protection Division Rules can be complex and intimidating. At LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we stand true to our commitment to provide expert legal representation, grounded in thorough research, evidence-based arguments, and empathetic comprehension of our clients’ predicaments.

Triumphing Over Challenges: A Client’s Success Story in Canada Border Services Agency Act Immigration Law

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Triumphing Over Challenges: A Client’s Success Story in Canada Border Services Agency Act Immigration Law

As LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we have had the privilege to provide legal support to many individuals and families navigating through the Canada immigration process. In this post, we recount an inspiring story where we supported a client facing legal issues under the Canada Border Services Agency Act Immigration Law. Please note that while we will be sharing intricate details of the case, our client’s confidentiality and anonymity will be respected.

The Challenge

  • Our client had been detained by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) because of alleged violations of immigration laws as delineated in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA).
  • The client’s immigration status was under threat, resulting in fear and uncertainty around a possible deportation.

Our Approach

  1. We first examined the grounds on which our client had been arrested under IRPA. We referred to case law, legislative interpretation and relevant sections of the CBSA Act.
  2. Next, we worked on building a comprehensive defense strategy. This included:

    • Collecting substantial evidence, affidavits and testimonies that supported our client’s case.
    • Conducting extensive research into similar cases that had been successful in the past. For instance, we referenced Baker v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), a landmark case in immigration law which emphasized the importance of considering the best interests of children affected by a decision.
  3. Once our defense was built, we proceeded to represent our client at the Immigration and Refugee Board where the detention review was to be carried out.

The Outcome

Our efforts bore fruit as the Board found our client’s detention unjustified and our client was released. This decision was based on several factors:

  1. We demonstrated that our client did not present a danger to the public, one of the key considerations in such cases, as outlined in R. v. Sharma.
  2. We provided substantial evidence proving our client’s intent to appear at all future immigration proceedings.
  3. We emphasized the best interests of our client’s minor children, a key legal principle established by the aforementioned Baker case.

In the end, our client was able to retain his status and continue living in Canada, reflecting our commitment to upholding justice for every individual.

As LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we specialize in dealing with complex immigration cases. If you or someone you know is facing an immigration issue, don’t hesitate to contact us for help.

Peruvian Client Triumphs in Canada Immigration Through Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement

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Peruvian Client Triumphs in Canada Immigration Through Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement – An Account of Success by LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers

At LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we recently had the privilege of representing a Peruvian client facing a complex immigration matter. The client sought our expertise, and through diligence, comprehensive knowledge of the law and strategic planning, we helped to bring about a successful resolution. The case revolved around the Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA), an essential piece of legislation that significantly influenced our client’s immigration process.

Understanding the Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)

  1. The CPFTA, which came into effect in August 2009, is a bilateral treaty aimed at eliminating barriers to trade and investment between Canada and Peru.

  2. Under the CPFTA, a specific agreement named the Temporary Entry for Business Persons chapter is outlined. This agreement provides a legal framework extending immigration benefits to citizens from both nations, especially those engaged in trade or investment activities.

  3. Our client’s case required us to delve into the intricacies of this agreement to provide them with the right legal guidance and solutions.

Navigating the Legal Landscape – How We Helped Our Client

  1. Understanding Our Client’s Needs:

    • We began by gaining a thorough understanding of our client’s situation and ascertaining how the treaties under CPFTA would apply.

  2. Applying Relevant Legislation:

    • Our team then carefully examined the CPFTA, including chapters relevant to our client’s case such as the “Temporary Entry for Business Persons” chapter and “Investment” chapter.

  3. Developing a Strategic Plan:

    • We developed a comprehensive immigration plan ensuring that our client meets all the CPFTA requirements.

Case Laws and Precedents

Our wide-ranging knowledge of precedents and case laws played an integral role in shaping our strategic approach. In past cases such as “Canada (Attorney General) v. Downtown Eastside Sex Workers United Against Violence Society, 2012 SCC 45, [2012] 2 SCR 524,” it was determined that public interest standing should be granted in cases where there is no other reasonable and effective way to bring the issue before the court. This precedent helped us argue that our client’s case was in the broader public interest. In consequence, it could be effectively brought before Canada’s immigration authorities.

Successful Result

We achieved a positive outcome for our client: They triumphed in their immigration process, with their status solidified under the CPFTA. This case serves as a testament to our commitment at LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers – to provide premier legal services tailored to individual needs, grounded in a profound understanding of Canada’s immigration laws and policies.

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program: A Success Story of a Client’s Canadian Dream

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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program: A Success Story of a Client’s Canadian Dream

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program: A Success Story of a Client’s Canadian Dream

At LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we take great pride in representing our clients to help them realise their dreams of settling in Canada. This is the story of how our team intervened and facilitated the resolution of a complex legal issue concerning the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program.

The Problem

  • Our client had applied for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) for skilled workers but encountered challenges during the process. The client faced difficulties meeting the specific requirements under this program due to lack of professional guidance.
  • The client also confronted issues pertaining to incomplete documentation which led to delay in the processing of the application.

Our Approach

  1. We first sought a comprehensive understanding of the situation and examined the client’s application to detect any errors or omissions.
  2. We then guided the client on the rules related to the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program as defined under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). Our team shared relevant court cases like Baker vs Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 1999, to aid in understanding how legal interpretations can help their case.

    1. Our lawyers also elucidated further on legal precedents set by the Federal Court of Canada, where errors in application were rectified and nominations were re-evaluated.
  3. In tandem, our team worked meticulously on gathering and arranging all necessary documents required for a foolproof application.

The Outcome

  • Post submission, our lawyers followed up with the AINP and ensured efficient communication. We also kept our client abreast with all proceedings.
  • As a result of a dedicated and systemic approach, our client was able to meet all the requirements set out by the AINP and we successfully resolved all the legal issues that had earlier obstructed the application process.
  • Finally, the client was able to secure a nomination from the province of Alberta, thereby making a significant stride towards achieving his Canadian dream.

In conclusion, LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers remain committed to providing excellent legal service in every client’s journey to permanent residency in Canada. Our experienced team of immigration lawyers is well-versed with the immigration law and procedures, and we strive to turn every client’s Canadian dream into reality.

Business Visitor Triumphs with IRPR Section 187 in Canadian Immigration Journey

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As professional Canada immigration lawyers at LexLords, we have had a plethora of impressive victories under our belt. One such triumph that warrants attention was a case involving a business visitor combating the maze of immigration laws with our assistance. The case revolved around IRPR Section 187 of Canadian immigration law, which pertains to foreign nationals seeking to work in Canada without a permit, under the ‘business visitor’ classification.

It is relevant to recall that a business visitor is defined under IRPR Section 187 as a foreign national who seeks to engage in international business activities in Canada without directly entering the Canadian labor market. This definition may seem simple at first glance, but its practical interpretation can be very complex, especially when trying to distinguish between activities that constitute ‘work’ and those that do not.

Our client, a business professional from a foreign country, sought our assistance after his application for entry under the business visitor category was rejected. At LexLords, we wasted no time conducting a case analysis and quickly identified that the main issue was an incorrect interpretation of IRPR Section 187 by the immigration officer handling the case.

By helping the client understand the nuances of the law and its implications, we realized the client was not seeking to enter the Canadian labor market. Instead, his visit was genuinely aimed at taking part in international business activities such as meetings, conferences, and research, which are categorized as permissible activities under IRPR Section 187.

In arguing our case, we relied heavily on precedents established by case law such as ‘Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration) v. Satiacum,’ which illustrates the necessity of interpreting IRPR Section 187 in such a way that it does not inhibit international business. This landmark case provided us with valuable insights into how courts view and apply this crucial section of Canadian immigration law.

To strengthen our argument further, we drew attention to ‘Stadnyk v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration),’ a case where the Federal Court reinforced that immigration officers must conduct a thorough analysis and balance the competing interests of protecting domestic jobs and promoting international business when making decisions based on IRPR Section 187.

Using these case laws, we put forth our contention before the immigration authorities, emphasizing that the client’s planned activities did not constitute ‘work’ under IRPR Section 187 and therefore, he should be granted entry as a business visitor. Understanding the periphery of our argument, the immigration authority agreed with our interpretation and granted our client the necessary permissions to enter Canada.

This case serves as a testament to the in-depth knowledge and expertise of LexLords in dealing with intricate immigration cases. More importantly, it once again proves our commitment to defending our clients’ rights, no matter how complex the situation.

Triumphant Journey: Securing IRPR Section 200 Work Permits in Canada

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Title: Empowering Clients: Securing IRPR Section 200 Work Permits in Canada

As specialists in immigration law, at LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we have consistently been driven by the sole purpose of aiding our clients through the often complex Canadian immigration channels. This endeavor recently culminated in a triumph when we successfully assisted a client in securing their International Mobility Program (IMP) work permit under section 200 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR).

Understanding the Legal Framework

First, it is pertinent to understand what IRPR Section 200 entails. Under the International Mobility Program (IMP), foreign nationals can be allowed to work in Canada on a temporary basis under an employer-specific work permit. This comes under Section 200 of the IRPR, which relates to foreign nationals entering Canada as a crucial part of cultural, social or economic growth and development.

Our Approach

In this case, our client was an accomplished professional from a special economic niche, aiming to lend their expertise in Canada. Realizing the potential magnitude of our client’s contribution to the Canadian economy, we embarked on a strategic approach to secure the work permit.

Firstly, we conducted a meticulous review of our client’s profile to elucidate their potential contributions to Canada’s development. We prepared detailed documentation, thoroughly highlighting their qualifications and professional achievements. We made sure to underline that allowing our client to work in Canada would have a significantly positive impact on its economy and social fabric.

Secondly, recognizing the challenges associated with navigating through immigration laws and their unique interpretations, we took measures to ensure that all procedures were strictly adhered to. We worked closely with our client, explaining every step in detail and advising them on lawfully acquiring an offer of employment.

Relevant Case Laws

While working on this case, we carefully studied previous judgments – particularly the Federal Court decisions in “Agraira v. Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)” 2013 and “Kanthasamy v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)” 2015. We noted the importance these cases placed on considering the applicant’s individual circumstances and the innovative impact they could bring.

Further, we delved into the nuanced understanding of “public policy considerations” as expressed in these cases. This strategic approach and in-depth understanding of case law helped us frame our arguments effectively, significantly contributing to the positive outcome of our client’s case.

The Triumph

Our detailed and methodical approach eventually bore fruit. Our client was awarded the work permit under section 200 of IRPR, allowing them to contribute their unique skill set to Canada’s economic development.


As LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, this experience reinforced our belief in a comprehensive and strategic approach. We maintain a firm commitment to assisting all our clients in navigating through Canadian immigration laws and achieving their immigration goals. We understand the significance that each decision holds for our clients and hence strive to provide top-tier legal advice coupled with unparalleled support.

Successful Immigration Appeal Triumph in Canadian Federal Legislation

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As one of the leading law firms in the field of immigration, LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers recently secured a significant victory for a client whose appeal was contested in the Federal Court of Canada. The triumph demonstrates not only our legal expertise but also our commitment to safeguarding the rights of immigrants in Canada.

The case involved a client whose immigration application was declined by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB). The decision was based on the conclusion that the applicant did not adequately demonstrate his eligibility for immigration, primarily due to a perceived lack of linguistic proficiency and education credentials. As a result, our client faced the possibility of deportation.

To address this issue, our team embarked on a legal journey to reverse this decision, arguing that it was rendered unfairly. The key aspect was to prove that the client’s language skills, education, experience and adaptability were indeed sufficient to be considered as an eligible candidate for immigration under the provisions of Canadian Immigration Law.

The starting point was reviewing the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), which governs immigration and refugee law in Canada. Our interpretation of Sections 25 and 96-97 of IRPA suggested that there had been a misjudgment in our client’s case.

To strengthen our arguments, we also referred to previous case laws that shared parallels with our client’s situation. One such reference was the landmark case of Kanthasamy v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), [2015] 3 SCR 909. In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that decision-makers should adopt a broad and empathetic perspective, considering all circumstances of the case when assessing an applicant’s eligibility for immigration.

With these legal tools in hand, we argued that the IRB’s decision was overly narrow and failed to consider all relevant factors of our client’s life, thereby creating an unbalanced and unfair picture of their suitability for immigration.

Our approach finally yielded positive results when the Federal Court agreed with our assertion, recognizing that the client’s potential contribution to Canada’s socio-economic landscape had indeed been undervalued.

In conclusion, this successful appeal in federal legislation reinforces our proficiency in Canadian immigration law and our commitment to ensuring justice for our clients. At LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we continue to leverage our detailed understanding of the law, coupled with our dedication for the cause of our clients, to provide optimal legal solutions in the sphere of Canada immigration.

Do note that every case is unique and proceeding with an appeal needs careful evaluation of all facts and aspects involved. The outcome of an immigration appeal heavily depends on its individual circumstances, the quality of the evidence presented, as well as a thorough understanding of Canadian immigration law and procedures. As such, it is always advisable to seek professional legal assistance when dealing with such matters.