Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program: A Success Story of a Client’s Canadian Dream

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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program: A Success Story of a Client’s Canadian Dream

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program: A Success Story of a Client’s Canadian Dream

At LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers, we take great pride in representing our clients to help them realise their dreams of settling in Canada. This is the story of how our team intervened and facilitated the resolution of a complex legal issue concerning the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program.

The Problem

  • Our client had applied for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) for skilled workers but encountered challenges during the process. The client faced difficulties meeting the specific requirements under this program due to lack of professional guidance.
  • The client also confronted issues pertaining to incomplete documentation which led to delay in the processing of the application.

Our Approach

  1. We first sought a comprehensive understanding of the situation and examined the client’s application to detect any errors or omissions.
  2. We then guided the client on the rules related to the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program as defined under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). Our team shared relevant court cases like Baker vs Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 1999, to aid in understanding how legal interpretations can help their case.

    1. Our lawyers also elucidated further on legal precedents set by the Federal Court of Canada, where errors in application were rectified and nominations were re-evaluated.
  3. In tandem, our team worked meticulously on gathering and arranging all necessary documents required for a foolproof application.

The Outcome

  • Post submission, our lawyers followed up with the AINP and ensured efficient communication. We also kept our client abreast with all proceedings.
  • As a result of a dedicated and systemic approach, our client was able to meet all the requirements set out by the AINP and we successfully resolved all the legal issues that had earlier obstructed the application process.
  • Finally, the client was able to secure a nomination from the province of Alberta, thereby making a significant stride towards achieving his Canadian dream.

In conclusion, LexLords Canada Immigration Lawyers remain committed to providing excellent legal service in every client’s journey to permanent residency in Canada. Our experienced team of immigration lawyers is well-versed with the immigration law and procedures, and we strive to turn every client’s Canadian dream into reality.